My Lucky Day.
Do you believe in signs? Symbols? Omens? Precursors? Premonitions? Well, I do, of course. First, I find not one, but two. Two four-leaf clovers that someone tucked inside a book 50-some years ago. It was just a random book from the Madge-world archives that I was paging through. And bingo! There they were, tucked in the pages. Delighted to find them, I knew that something special was on the way. Just like that song from West Side Story.
And then on December 16, who should come walking through the door? My boys! Austin (on the right), arrived home from Philly in the morning and Paddy (in the middle) blustered into the house around 3:30 a.m.--technically on December 17th. And there they are with their lovely sister, Meghan. Three out of four ain't bad. Nora arrives December 23. All right. I knew they were coming, but still--Lucky me!
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