Friday, March 03, 2006

Friends Forever

Happy Birthday to my friend Beth Gilhooly. Universally known as "Hooly." We met when I was knocked up with my third and she with her first. She's godmother to my third born child, Nora. Mother to Joe, Rory, Elinor and Molly. Wife to Russ Belk. (Classmate of Stevil, DeLaSalle, class of 1967.) School Psychologist by day, gourmand, bon vivant by evening. The only one I know who heads to Keegan's Pub for a Guinness after working out in the gym.

Fearless and frickin' crazy.
How crazy, you ask? Well, we were just goofy enough to take a road trip to Arkansas with her four and two of mine in a 15-passenger van. This was before Game Boy and portable video players -- Kids get restless? Toss 'em some fruit snacks and keep going to the next rest area. Ask me about the Arkansas petting zoo sometime. Think "Deliverance" meets Animal Kingdom. Donkeys. Snakes. Puppies in need of deworming. A proprietor in need of dental work and possibly mental health intervention.
Many good times in the back yard in North East Minneapolis and many birthdays celebrated around their dinner table.

Countless hours spent at swimming pools watching the kids swim back and forth. Only Hooly and her kids persisted in that athletic endeavor. Hooly's been through it all with me. Birth, baptisms, standardized tests, school programs, confirmations, graduations, weddings, death, IQ tests (my kids are geniuses), my constant mental breakdowns. With eight children between us, we've experienced every permutation of child development and then some. And we've lived to tell many tales.

So, I wish my friend of 25 years a wonderful year. Schlanta!

Enjoying: Dry Red
Listening to: Pandora, my "Van the man" station.
Facing: a Saturday of tax preparation.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Only you could make an Irish toast sound like a Yiddish expression. Press check your spelling, it makes you look like a Schmucka!

2:17 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's spelled "slainte," with an accent over the "a" this program won''t let me make, you great Benelux ejit!


2:35 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I found Meg's site totally by accident and followed links to find Madge!
Have spent the last hour catching up on your life.
CONGRATS to you and Steve on your beautiful Granddaughter! Our LillyB will be FOUR in a few weeks...what an incredible joy.
We will all be in Mpls. mothers day week, would love to catch up.
Hugs to you all,

12:31 AM  

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