Sunday, July 30, 2006

Hot Enough for You?

"I'd like to coo with my baby tonight
and pitch some woo with my baby tonight
but sister you fight my baby tonight
cause it's too darn hot"

Besides, my baby's out on the golf course this morning probably getting sun stroke from the scorching sun, blistering wind and obscenely high humidity. That is not my idea of an ideal way to spend a hot morning. Me? I'm indoors, ignoring dust bunnies, and generally doing as little as possible.

Good old Cole Porter said it best. Check out the full lyrics from the Broadway show "Kiss me Kate."
Too Darn Hot

Honestly, I think I prefer BELOW zero temperatures instead of a heat index of 105 degrees. One can usually find a place to warm up, but can't always find a place to cool down. And it's socially acceptable to pile on layers of clothing, but not always approriate to strip down. Unless working in an occupation that requires partial nudity, which I do not.

My yard is completly toasted, over run with weeds and I don't even care. Nope. Not going out to put the sprinkler on. Let nature win. At least this week.

Listening to: Summer in the city Lovin Spoonful
Enjoying: ummm. Ice Water.


Blogger Tarcy said...

I couldn't be happier to be back in a country that realizes the value of AIR CONDITIONING!

Who would have thought something so simple could be so valuable?

2:34 PM  

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